First launch
First of all, we need to install Devparrot. For now, Devparrot is not on Pypi. Thus we need to download source and install them.
Nothing complicated, first download source from git:
$ git clone git://
And install them :
$ cd devparrot $ pip install .
First Launch
Now that we have installed Devparrot, we can launch it:
$ devparrot
You will see a message telling you that ".devparrotrc" is missing. Don't worry, it's just that your config file is not yet created. We will see later on how to create it.
Where are the buttons ?
If you come from a graphical IDE, Devparrot will seems pretty minimalist (not to say austere).
But if you come from vi or emacs, there is nothing new here.
Lets make a small tour of Devparrot:
Open a file
There is several way to open a file. You can :
- Launch devparrot with the file to open as argument,
- use the shortcut <Ctrl-o>,
- use the menu File->Open.
Edit a file
To edit a file, it is pretty simple :
- Mouve the cursor with the navigations keys.
- Click with your mouse on a position.
- Enter text by simply typing it.
- Use your classical shortcuts for copy/cut/paste/undo/redo..
Save a file
To save a file, nothing complicated :
- <Ctrl-s> to save the file.
- Use the menu File->Save
You see, nothing complicated, it's everything you can espect from a classical text editor.
That's pretty easy, but the real power of devparrot come from the command system.